The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly

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The Citrix Licensing service unexpectedly stops on License Server 11.6.1 Build 10007 running on Windows Server 2003, when logging off the server console. This issue occurs when logging off the physical console or logging off RDP session 0 that was established using the /console or /admin switch. OK, now the License Serve service will start, why now and not before I'm not sure (after I reinstalled). But when in VC I try to set the license configuration for the host to 'Use License Server' and set it to 'localhost:27000' it says 'Unable to change license state as the license server is not available'. Multiple errors from RedundancyPrimitiveRuntime.cpp appear in the log after the bootstrap service is terminated on the primary Application Server node. L00128364: SR 47910004: When migrating a Galaxy from 3.1SP3P1 to 2012R2 the system can erroneously display the following message: 'The Galaxy name conflicts with an existing object in the Galaxy.' Please select your product to view the licensing information. If your product doesn't appear on the list please see product documentation for details on how to license your product. If you require further assistance, please raise an incident or contact SupportLine.

Summary :

Have you received error 1067: the process terminated unexpectedly when trying to perform an operation that usually causes a service to start? What should you do when encountering the Windows service error 1067? Now, MiniTool offers you some simple methods in this post.

Use the License Server Administration tool to correct the network license files. Perform the following steps: Navigate to Start All Programs Esko Network License Manager Network License Manager. Click the Tools tab License Server Administration. Click the Handle license files tab. Click the Remove the Barco based license file radio.

Windows Error 1067 on Services

Many users of Windows 10/8/7, Server 2012 R2/2016, etc. are reporting to have a problem while trying to execute an operation that is based on a service. And the detailed error message that appears on the computer screen is:

'Windows could not start the XX service on Local Computer.

Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.'

Tip: Here XX refers to the name of the problematic service. Usually, the error commonly occurs in the SQL, MySQL, Windows Deployment Services Server, Migration Center Job Server service or other services.

The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Account

The 1067 error code appears mainly because of corrupted settings of that particular service, faulty services, Windows system malfunction, etc. Now, in this article, we will tell you how to fix the service error and all of them have been proved to be useful by users who had the same problem.

Fixes for Windows Service Error 1067

Method 1: Fix Permissions Issues

Sometimes the permissions problems are responsible for the error 1067. To fix the issue, having access to the service controls from a personal user profile is helpful.

What you should do is here:

1. Press Win+ R keys at the same time to open the Run utility, type services.msc and hit Enter.

2. Find the service which has the error 1067 from the services list, right-click on it and choose Properties from the context menu.

3. If the service is running, stop it. If it is stopped, go to the Log On tab and click the Browse button.

4. Type your account name to the Enter the object name to select section and click Check Names. Wait for the name to be available. Cara download di utorrent.

5. Click OK If needed, input the password. Now, the service should start without error code 1067.

Method 2: Repair the Problematic Service

Sometimes error 1067: the process terminated unexpectedly occurs because the service you are trying to start becomes faulty or corrupted. So, you can try to delete and install the service to get rid of the trouble.

Do you know how to back up individual Registry keys Windows 10? Now, this post will show you a step-by-step guidance to do this job.

The detailed instructions are described here:

1. Launch the Run dialog (mentioned in method 1), input regedit and click Enter.

2. After opening the Registry Editor window, head to the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services.

3. Find the service that has the error 1067 from the list (Here, we take the ACPI service as an example). Right-click on it, click Export to save it to the desktop or any place, name it ACPI and click Save. We do this process is to create a backup for the service.

4. Then right-click on the service and choose Delete to remove it from the services list.

The archestra license server service terminated unexpectedly email
The archestra license server service terminated unexpectedly job
The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly

5. Run Command Prompt with administrative rights, input sfc /scannow, and press Enter to perform a scan for your Windows system.

6. Restart your computer. Then, find the backup of the registry key you have saved, right-click on it and choose Merge.

7. Open the Services window via the Windows search bar, right-click on the service and click Start.


Now, you can try to check if the Windows service error 1067 is resolved.

Method 3: Delete Certain Files

If you are bothered by SQL or MySQL error 1067, you can delete some log files from the install directory to fix it.

  1. Open Control Panel and let it show all items by large icons.
  2. Click Administrative Tools and Services.
  3. Find the MySQL service, right-click on it and choose Properties.
  4. Click Stop and OK.
  5. Go to the folder where you have installed MySQL. Usually, it is C:Program Files or C:Program Files (x86).
  6. In the folder, click the Data folder, find ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1, and then delete them.
  7. Go to the Services window and start the MySQL service again.

The End

The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly

5. Run Command Prompt with administrative rights, input sfc /scannow, and press Enter to perform a scan for your Windows system.

6. Restart your computer. Then, find the backup of the registry key you have saved, right-click on it and choose Merge.

7. Open the Services window via the Windows search bar, right-click on the service and click Start.

Now, you can try to check if the Windows service error 1067 is resolved.

Method 3: Delete Certain Files

If you are bothered by SQL or MySQL error 1067, you can delete some log files from the install directory to fix it.

  1. Open Control Panel and let it show all items by large icons.
  2. Click Administrative Tools and Services.
  3. Find the MySQL service, right-click on it and choose Properties.
  4. Click Stop and OK.
  5. Go to the folder where you have installed MySQL. Usually, it is C:Program Files or C:Program Files (x86).
  6. In the folder, click the Data folder, find ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1, and then delete them.
  7. Go to the Services window and start the MySQL service again.

The End

The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Job

If you are having the error 1067: the process terminated unexpectedly, now try these 3 common methods to troubleshoot the issue. These solutions are proved to be useful and hope you can also get rid of the trouble.

This TechNote gives you important instructions to be performed on each platform at which you want to deploy the DIObjects to avoid having licensing issue in runtime when running new versions from DIObject , which use the new Archestra License not suitelink.lic for example DIMBTCP 3.0 sp1 and DIABCIP 5.0, inside Wonderware Application Server 3.1 SP3 Patch 1 .

Application Versions

  • Application Server 3.1 SP3 P01
  • DI MBTCP 3.0 SP1
  • DI ABCIP 5.0


Windows Server 2008 R2

When running newer DASSERVER it stops periodically , getting Information message in your logger says that <DASERVER name > Please install a valid license for this DAServer product as shown in fig.1 below. trying with external demo license and getting same issue.

Figure 1: License invalid info message

The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Unavailable

DAServer now uses the ArchestrA License Manager and the common ArchestrA license file.

If you are still using software versions that use the wwsuite.lic license file, and you do not have an ArchestrA.lic license file with the correct feature line you need to add it, you need to run InitLicense.wsf file included with the CD image to initialize the new ArchestrA Licensing sub-system.

If you are running Wonderware Application Server 3.1 SP3 Patch 1 or older, you must perform the following functions on each platform where you want to deploy the MBTCP DIObjects to it, Please follow below steps.

  1. Undeploy DIObjects. and close IDE.
  2. Install two Microsoft components manually.NET 4.0 Framework and Visual C++ 10.0 SP1 run-time redistributable components.
  3. Run the InitLicense.wsf file included with the CD image, fig.2, to initialize the new ArchestrA Licensing sub-system.

    Figure 2: InitLicense.wsf file in DIObject CD

    We will see license subsystem Initialization success message as shown in Figure 3 (below).

    Figure 3: License subsystem initialization success message

  4. Launch ArchestrA IDE and deploy DIObjects again.

Script in InitLicense.wsf

</p><p>Set oShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')</p><p>If CInt(oShell.RegRead('HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionCurrentBuildNumber')) > 3790 Then<br>If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists('elevated') = False Then<br>‘Launch the script again as administrator<br>CreateObject('Shell.Application').ShellExecute 'wscript.exe', '''' & WScript.ScriptFullName & ''' /elevated', '', 'runas', 1<br>WScript.Quit<br>Else<br>‘Change the working directory from the system32 folder back to the script抯 folder.<br>Set oShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')<br>oShell.CurrentDirectory = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)<br>End If<br>End If</p><p>Dim WSHShell, RegKey, OsType, FolderPath, ProgramFilesPath<br>Set WshShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')<br>OsType = WshShell.RegRead('HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironmentPROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE')</p><p>FolderPath = 'Common FilesArchestrALicense'</p><p>If OsType = 'x86' Then<br>RegKey = 'HKLMSOFTWAREWonderwareLicense'<br>ProgramFilesPath = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%PROGRAMFILES%')<br>FolderPath = ProgramFilesPath + FolderPath<br>‘wscript.echo 'Windows 32bit system detected'<br>Else<br>If OsType = 'AMD64' Then<br>RegKey = 'HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodeWonderwareLicense'<br>ProgramFilesPath = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%')<br>FolderPath = ProgramFilesPath + FolderPath<br>‘wscript.echo 'Windows 64bit system detected'<br>End If<br>End If</p><h2 id='the-archestra-license-server-service-terminated-unexpectedly-email'>The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Email</h2><p>WSHShell.RegWrite RegKey & 'FlexLicFileDir', FolderPath, 'REG_SZ'</p><p>wscript.echo 'ArchestrA Licensing sub-system initialization succeeded.'</p><p>

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